HTML Issue

Volume 12 Issue 2 ( April- June) 2023

Original Articles

Comparison between ultrasound guided supraclavicular and infraclavicular brachial plexus block to assess the quality of surgical anaesthesia and intraoperative tourniquet pain: prospective randomized observer blinded study
Dr. Disha Khanapure, Dr. Krishna Rathod, Dr. Pachha Priya, Dr. Anand P Math, Dr. Ullas Mahesh

Introduction: Of the various modalities of achieving surgical anaesthesia of the forearm, brachial plexus block by injecting local anaesthetic is considered highly beneficial and practical. Supraclavicular and infra-clavicular approaches of brachial plexus blocks provide comprehensive anaesthesia for surgeries of the forearm. The primary outcome measured was the comparison of two blocks with respect to sparing of any dermatome, whereas the secondary outcomes measured were block performance time, duration of analgesia, and complications associated with each technique. Materials & Methods: 60 adult patients of either sex belonging to the American Society ofAnesthesiologists (ASA) physical status I and II in the age range of 20-70 yearsscheduled to undergo surgeries of the forearm were divided into two groups:Supraclavicular (SCB group) and Infraclavicular (ICB group) of 30 each. Both theblocks were given by 30 mL of 0.375% injection Bupivacaine using a 22G, 5 cminsulated needle and nerve locator. Both the groups were compared with respect tosparing of dermatomes, block performance time, duration of analgesia andcomplications like Horner’s syndrome, vascular puncture, and pneumothorax.Statistical analysis was performed with Student unpaired t‑test and Chi‑square test and p<0.05 was considered to be statistically significant.Results: Block performance time was similar in both the groups. Duration of analgesia wascomparable among the two groups. The incidence of incomplete radial block wassignificantly higher in ICB group as compared to SCB group (p= 0.046, S). Incidenceof Horner’s syndrome in SCB group were higher than in ICB group, but they werestatistically insignificant. (p=0.15, NS). One patient in SCB group had subclavian veinpuncture as compared to none in ICB group and was statistically insignificant.Conclusion:Supraclavicular approach for brachial plexus block provides reliable andcomprehensive anaesthesia for forearm surgeries without any significantdermatomal sparing unlike infraclavicular approach. Both groups had similar blockperformance time and duration of analgesia for forearm surgeries. Even though SCBwas associated with complications like Horner’s syndrome and vascular puncture, itwas transient and statistically insignificant. Hence supraclavicular approach isconsidered to be superior to infraclavicular approach.

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