HTML Issue

Volume 13 Issue 6 (June) 2024

Original Articles

A study of trichoscopic findings in non-scarring alopecia of scalp
Dr. Ankit Parashar, Dr. Rahul Parashar, Dr. Sneha Singh, Dr. Rajendra Devanda, Dr. Akanksha Raj Khandal

Aim: The aim of the present study was to assess the trichoscopic findings in non-scarring alopecia of the scalp in correlation with clinical signs and symptoms in adult population in a tertiary care. Methods: The present study was done in the Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy at National Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Jaipur over a period of 18 months from January 2016 to June 2017. 200 patients were included in the study. Patient confidentiality was maintained and informed consent was taken as per annexure. Results: A total of 200 patients of non-cicatricial alopecia were recruited. Out of which, 80(40%) cases were of androgenetic alopecia, 60(30%) cases of alopecia areata and 60(30%) cases of telogen effluvium.Out of 200 patients, 127 (63.5%) patients were male and 73(36.5%) patients were female with a mean age at presentation of male and female being 29.47 ± 7.15 years and 30.76± 7.59 years respectively.Out of total 200 cases, maximum numbers of patients were of the age group of 26-35 years, 102 (51%); while 59 (29.5) patients were grouped in the age of 16-25 years and 39 (19.5%) cases were included under the group of more than 36 years of age. Conclusion: We concluded that trichoscopy is an effective non-invasive tool with vast opportunity in dermatological practice. Trichoscopy has proven to be a useful aid to differentiate between different types of alopecia, thus providing both clinician and patient a better alternative to invasive skin biopsy.

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