HTML Issue

Volume 12 Issue 2 ( April- June) 2023

Original Articles

Prevalence Of Oral Cancer In A Tertiary Care Center Of Dumka District Jharkhand
Ruchi Mitra, Nand Kishor Karmali, Sarani Sagen Dahanga, Shashi Kant Suman

Background:Tobacco and its other forms used effects diverse sites of head and neck to develop cancer. Aims and Objectives: To assess the prevalence of tobacco use among 15-65year-old population of tertiary centre Dumka in Jharkhand state. Materials &Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted to study and examine the patients attending the tertiary hospital Dumka Jharkhand.All the data collected were entered into the spread sheets. Results:Smoking and chewing tobacco cause a high risk of oral cancer.Most of the tobacco consumers were middle age (35-55 yrs of age). Mean±SD= 52.5±0.267. People younger than 30 years used betel quid in abundance(49.1%). Tobacco in the form of Bidi was used by 41-50 age group.Tobacco in the form of Gutkha was used in people less than ten years duration(20.7%).For frequency of 5-10 times a day, Bidi was consumed in 65.4% of instances.The prevalence was 54.2% of oral cancer. Conclusion:A majority of cases were reported in third and fourth stages of cancer with ignorance.Thus,nationwide counseling awareness and tobacco cessation programs are required in order to prevent oral cancer with early diagnosis and reduce the overall burden on the national resources.

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