HTML Issue

Volume 12 Issue 4 ( October-December ) 2023

Original Articles

A study on associations between risk factors and hearing loss among newborns
Dr.Soumyashree G, Dr.Suprith LK, Dr. Darshan Chandradhara, Dr. Abhilash N

In approximately 25% of childhood hearing loss, a non-genetic cause is identified. Hearing loss is thought to be secondary to injury to the developing auditory system in the intrapartum or perinatal period. This injury may be due to infection, hypoxia, ischemia, metabolic disease, ototoxic medication, or hyperbilirubinemia. Before the test it must be ensured that external auditory canal is free of debris and also middle ear pathology istoberuledout.Thetestisconducted by a trained audiologist in a noise free room. In our hospital ‘OTOREAD’, an automatic hand held device was usedto screen the newborns. DPOAE test protocols can be set up with standard ‘pass’ or ‘refer’ criteria. The result is displayed on the screen, which is quick and accurate. Significant association was found between sepsis, perinatal depression, low birth weight, prematurity, aminoglyocoside usage with hearing loss.

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