Abstract Issue

Volume 13 Issue 6 (June) 2024

Original Articles

Comparison of Propofol (TIVA) Versus Isoflurane Based Anaesthesia on Recovery Time and Post-Operative Adverse Effects in Adult Mastoid Surgery
Dr. Kanchan Ravindra Rupwate, Dr. Akshata Pawar, Dr. Saarani Guha Sarkar

Background: Mastoid Surgery requires bloodless surgical field for better operating conditions, deep level of anaesthesia and rapid emergence. A total intravenous anaesthesia (TIVA) with Propofol, has been a popular choice for both induction and maintenance of general anaesthesia (GA).The aim of this study was to compare the effects of Propofol versus Isoflurane based anaesthesia in adult mastoid surgery with respect to recovery time and post-operative side effects. Method: A total 70 patients ofeither sex, age between 18 to 60 years, ASA status 1 and 2 were enrolled and divided into two groups (35 each). Propofol group: patients who received Propofol infusion at 4-6mg/kg intraoperatively for maintenance of anaesthesia. Isoflurane group: patients who received Isoflurane inhalation intra-operatively for maintenance of anaesthesia. Results: The recovery time in Propofol group (2.46±0.508 min) was lesser than in Isoflurane group (2.65±0.780 min), (P=0.157). The mean nausea/vomiting score was relatively more among Isoflurane group (at 30 mins it was 1.22), as compared to Propofol group (at 30 mins it was 1.1), (p=0.074).In Isoflurane group, the VAS score at baseline was 2.93 and it was reduced to 2.14 at 24 hours while in Propofol group, the mean VAS score at baseline was 2.96, it was reduced to 2.18 at 24 hours. This reduction was statistically significant, (p<0.05) but there was no inter-group significant difference between the two groups.The need of analgesics in the post-operative period was more in both the groups in initial 30 minsand need of anti-emetics was relatively more in Isoflurane group at 30 mins. Conclusion:Propofol (TIVA) could be preferred anaesthetic choice as compared to Isoflurane anaesthesia in patients undergoing mastoid surgery under GA. But, to get statistically significant finding, further study with large sample size may be required to support our conclusion.

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