Abstract Issue

Volume 13 Issue 5 (May) 2024

Original Articles

To Determine The Effectiveness And Safety Of Combining Spinal Epidural (CSE) And Epidural Techniques For Labor Pain Relief
Dr. Gaurav Agarwal, Dr. Mohammad Aourangzaib, Dr. Shuchi Nigam

Aim: To determine the effectiveness and safety of combining spinal epidural (CSE) and epidural techniques for labor pain relief. Materials and Methods: Data was obtained from the records of 120 healthy pregnant women, with 60 women in each group. These women were between the ages of 20 -40 and sought epidural analgesia during active labor when their cervix was dilated between 3-4 cm. They were feeling uterine contractions and had uncomplicated term labor between 37-41 weeks of gestational age. In Group A (CSE): The CSE method was executed via the single in terspace needle-through-needle approach (Pajunk). Group-B (epidural): In the epidural group, the epidural space was located by using the absence of resistance to saline with an 18-G Tuohy needle. Results: There was a significance difference in maternal heartrate at 30 min safter in jection(GroupA:95.97 ± 3.48,GroupB:90.02 ± 3.36). No significance difference in terms of maternal respiratory rate, Blood pressure and foetal heart rate (before analgesia, 15 mins after injection and 30 mins after injection) in both groups. There was adelay in on se to fanalgesia in Group B(Epidural):(12.95 ± 1.34min)when compared to Group A(CSE):(3.87 ± 1.21min) and duration of analgesia was not significantly different.Twogroupsweresimilarinpainscorebefore injection. However, at 15 mins after injection, pain score decreased in Group A(3.81± 0.78)compared to Group B (4.76 ± 1.22). Duration of 1st stage of labor did not differ between groups. But in case of duration of second stage, which lasted longer in Group A (75.12 ± 9.65 min) compared to Group B (55.34 ± 8.67). 55% in Group A and 50% in Group B are in need of oxytocinaugmentation. The mode of delivery was similar between two groups with normal vaginal delivery rate in Group A(CSE) was 88.33%and group B (epidural) was 83.33%. Apgar scores did not differ much in two groups (P=41). Conclusion: The majority of patients in the CSE group needed an extra dosage. No significant disparities were seen between the groups in relation to the duration of initial labor, fetal heart rate, maternal blood pressure, need for oxytocin augmentation, necessity for episiotomy, and method of delivery.

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