HTML Issue

Volume 14 Issue 2 (February) 2025

Original Articles

Assessment of Fetal and maternal outcome in pregnant females with jaundice
Dr.Ankita Kumari, Dr.(Prof)K. Manju

Background:Pregnancy-related jaundice is a serious medical condition that is frequently observed in underdeveloped nations like India. Increased prenatal morbidity and mortality are linked to jaundice, specifically from placental insufficiency, premature labor, fetal discomfort, and intrauterine fetal death. The present study was conducted to assess fetomaternal outcome in pregnant females with jaundice. Materials & Methods:70 antenatal cases with jaundicewas recruited. A thorough obstetrical, systemic, and general examination was conducted. Results: Age group 20-25 years had 36, 26-30 years had 20 and >30 years had 14 patients. The etiology of jaundice was preeclampsia in 16, hepatitis in 24, acute fatty liver disease in 15, cholestasis in 8 and preeclampsia with HELLP syndrome in 7 cases. HAV positive were 5, HCV positive 3, HBsAg positive 8, HEV positive 6 and HAV positive 2. The difference was significant (P< 0.05). Among 48 delivered, 36 had improved discharge, 7 transferred to MICU and 5 expired. Among 22 undelivered, 6 had improved discharge, 4 transferred to MICU and 2 took LAMA, and 10 expired. The difference was significant (P< 0.05).55 discharged healthy, 7 had still birth and 8 had early neonatal death. The difference was significant (P< 0.05). Conclusion: Pregnancy complications caused by jaundice have a negative impact on both the mother and the fetus. A female patient who has been admitted with jaundice has to receive therapy right away from a skilled medical staff.

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