HTML Issue

Volume 14 Issue 1 (January) 2025

Original Articles

An Open Label, Prospective, Non-Randomized And Interventional Clinical Study To Evaluate The Efficacy And Safety Of An Autoimplantation Therapy In The Treatment Of Multiple And Recurrent Warts
Dr. Savita Arya, Dr. Bajrang Soni, Dr. Veerbhan Singh

Background: Warts are benign tumours that commonly involve the skin and other epithelial tissues, caused by human papilloma virus infection.1 A number of therapeutic options for wart are available but there is still a need for a treatment that is promptly effective. Aims and Objectives: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of an autoimplantation therapy in the treatment of multiple and recurrent warts. Material and method: The study was an open label, prospective, non-randomized and interventional clinical trial carried out in 128 patients with multiple and recurrent warts. All consecutive treatment‑naive patients of both sex and age ranges from 10-55 years with more than five clinically diagnosed cutaneous warts attending the dermatology outpatient department were included. Under local anesthesia and strict aseptic precautions, paired stratum corneum wart tissue was removed and cut in small pieces was gently introduced into the subcutaneous pocket with the same needle on the flexor aspect of non dominant forearm around 2 inches below antecubital crease. Results: Out of 128 patients, 100 were available for follow-up. Patient showing complete resolution of warts within 3 months were considered as responders. A total of 71 patients showed resolution within 3 months accounting for a total clearance rate of 71%. The earliest response was achieved at the end of 4th week. The filliform subtype had no response with the auto-implantation while mosaic type had 100 % clearance and other sub variants (including palmer, planter and plane) had more than 70% clearance rate. There was no life threatening side effects following auto-implantation. Conclusion: Our preliminary experience with homologous implantation of wart suggests that this is an inexpensive, safe and probably an effective option against HPV.

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