HTML Issue

Volume 11 Issue 2 (April-June) 2022

Original Articles

Assessment of triple arthrodesis for equinovarus foot using Ilizarov technique
Dr. Ravinder Singh

Background: The foot deformity known as equinovarus may be acquired or congenital. The present study was conducted to assess triple arthrodesis for equinovarus foot using Ilizarov technique. Materials & Methods: 40 patients with equinovarus foot deformity of both gendersunderwent gradual deformity correction and triple fusion with Ilizarov fixator. Foot was assessed for any residual deformity and shortening. Functional outcome was assessed by Ankle Hind Foot Scale (AHFS) and patient satisfaction using likert scale. Results: Out of 40 patients, males were 22 and females were 18. Side was right in 16 and left in 34 patients. Diagnosis was spina bifidain 18, syndromic clubfoot in 12, Talo-calcaneal coalition in 3, recurrent clubfoot in 4, mirror foot in 2 and post- polio residual paralysis in 1 patient. AHFS preoperative was 72.5 and postoperative was 83.6. Likert score preoperative was 4 and postoperative was 7.5. The difference was significant (P< 0.05). Common complications was supramalleolar fracture tibia in 2, pin tract infection in 1 and calcaneocuboid non- union in 3 cases. The difference was significant (P< 0.05). Conclusion: Equinevarus foot deformity can be effectively managed with triple arthrodesis combined with progressive correction using the Ilizarov procedure. It more precisely aligns the foot and corrects deformities, which increases patient satisfaction.

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