Original Articles
Experiences and perspectives on gender quality among working women | |
Dr. Divya Khare, Dr. Manisha Jain | |
Background:The workplace has sometimes been referred to as an inhospitable place for women due to the multiple forms of gender inequalities present. The present study was conducted to assess experiences and perspectives on gender quality among working women.Material & Methods:The present study was an observational, cross-sectional study conducted among working or professional women over a period of 3 months.All study participants after enrollment were interviewed using a set questionnaire. Data was recorded and analyzed to assess their perspectives on gender equality.Results:40.2% working women agree on that gender discrimination, 34.7% agree on that boss considers gender in delivering job, 51.5% agree on that gender influence the profession and 35.1% agree on that their peers treat them differently because of their profession. 42.9% working women agree on that they were satisfied with job and salary. 42.6% working women disagree on that there was salary gaps among the same level in their organizationand 41.9% disagree on that they were unfairly denied salary raise in their organization, 48.5% disagree on that sexual misconduct or violence occurs at work place. 39.2% working women works for 40-50hrs/week. 93.9% working women were married and 90.6% spouses of working women were working and 81.8% spouses of working women support them, 33.3% working women had parents for their child care. Conclusion:The study concluded thatmaximum working women agree on that gender discrimination occurs and their boss considers gender in delivering job. The experiences that gender influence the profession and their peers treat them differently because of their profession. |
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